As a Parish we share 7% of our income over the previous year with a number of charities and individuals.


Ali and Keshule Edapal

Then and now

Ali and Keshule and their family have been supported for many years in their work in Kenya,   Click here   to find out more.

Updated Jan 23


Hugh Pilcher

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We also have a longstanding connection with Hugh who works in Uganda

Please click here for his facbook page and here for a link to his ministry work at Jesus loves the little children - best viewed on a computer and site not that mobile friendly




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 In Kyrgyzstan Grassroots works closely with a local partner organisation who identifies children in particular need, interviews them (along with their parent or guardian) and visits them regularly.


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Friends international are a Christian charity seeking to grow friendship and faith with international students in the UK & Ireland.


logo 2   Making Mission Possible

CPAS works with leaders, local churches and dioceses in a number of different ways to support mission and evangelism.


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Founded in 1995, South Essex Wildlife Hospital is the only facility of its kind in the whole of Essex, London, and Kent. Dealing with more than 10,000 patients and answering over 20,000 calls for help every year, our small but committed team are dedicated to saving UK wildlife.


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Youth for Christ's heart is to support and equip churches who recognise the importance of sharing Jesus with the next generation and want to make the brave but necessary step of confidently engaging with young people where they are, both physically and spiritually. When young people are out of their homes, there are three places where they often spend their time: at school, in their own community (either in person or online), or engaging in some sort of local church or youth provision.




 The Mary Wood Trust's Aims and Objectives

1.To provide scholarships for education and training with a view to improving disadvantaged young people's life skills and opportunities in Uganda.
2. To advance education and relieve poverty by providing sponsorship, training, funds or items for disadvantaged children, young people and those in need in Uganda.
3. To develop facilities in Kinkiizi Diocese, Kanungu District, in particular Nyakabungo Girls Secondary School and Ruth Memorial Nursery School, in order to achieve the aims outlined in 1 and 2 above.

For more information please contact   This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or look at the website






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We also fundraised for Christian Aid and as a Parish matched those donations in support of the work of Christain Aid.

We also twinned a toilet in Africa.







Office Hours


The  office is now open from 10am to 12am,

Monday to Friday every week.

01245 355 989

You may call outside of these hours and leave an answerphone message and we will try to get back to you as soon as possible.

You can also contact us via the Office email address:  [email protected]

This email address is checked on a regular basis by a number of people,

and we will try to get back to you as soon as possible.


The website was last updated on 30th October 2024


If you would like to make a donation, please use the following QR code

Widford Parish. Give a little code

and follow the link and choose your amount.  Thank you


Church of the Holy Spirit
& Widford Parish Office,
Forest Drive,

UK Charity Number: 1128307

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