Join us on our Eco- Church journey as we intentionally seek to be better stewards of our corner of our wonderful world!

Eco Church Award Certificate Bronze Saint Marys Church Widford png

St Marys Church Widford Eco Church Silver Certificate158707635 10161199164253973 3133222292655464334 n


We have changed over our energy supplier to one that generates power from renewable energy.


We have replaced the old filament light bulbs with LED lights inside St Mary's.

We have also changed over the majority of bulbs at CHS. 







At St Mary's we are being consious of the cleaning supplies we purchase. We have switched to using Faith in Nature handwash in our loo and kitchen. We are also using vegan antibacterial sprays. 

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Ocean Saver pods can be diluted in warm water and fill old spray bottles! They come with a sticky label so everyone knows what's inside! Let's be kinder to our environment by re-using plastic when we can!

In our loo, we also use eco-friendly cleaning products:

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The St Mary's loo is twinned with a toilet in Cambodia! 

Without proper toilets, people get trapped in a vicious cycle.

They’re likely to become sick through sanitation-related diseases. Illness keeps people from working, children miss school, parents have to pay for medicines or food and fall into debt.

Toilet Twinning funds hygiene education via community-led workshops and sourcing local materials for families and communities to build their own toilets.


We have also switched to using toilet paper made from recycled paper!

(not recycled toilet paper!!)

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We use a food waste bin in our kitchens at both churches, and also separate paper and plastics for recycling. 


We have installed a bat box for our nocternal neighbours in the St Mary's churchyard:

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And two homemade bird boxes:155449883 1121413448330820 459330800126117081 o154595131 1121413484997483 4510801188939628879 o

bird box chsWe have also installed a bird box in the CHS grounds..thumbnail IMG 9704


And a bike rack to encourage cycling to church:









We have begun work on clearing a section of wasteland adjacent to St Marys to create a memorial garden for people to come and sit, enjoy nature and remember lost loved ones. We plan to plant bee and butterfly friendly flowers and plants.

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We have changed our washing up liquid to Ecover and twinned our kitchen tap!

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Some of the youth Group visited the Gaia exhibition at Chelmsford Cathedral:unnamedunnamed 1

 In October 2022, we registered as a Fairtrade church, commiting to buy and serve Fairtrade tea, coffee (and sugar)

fiartrade church

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Widford Parish is now registered with the charity Fareshare, which works to reduce food waste. We collect left over food from three local supermarkets/outlets which we distribute to people, this food would otherwise end up in landfill!



farshare impact


One of our tithe charities for 2024, is South Essex Wildflife hospital. We are working to support the wildlife that lives in and around our churches. We have taken an injured bat and also a sick rabbit, and injured starling fledgling to the 24/7 wildlife hospital in Orsett. sewh

We have a compost bin at St Mary's, in which we put any food waste/teabags generated from our activities. We picked up this compost bin, FREE from the Olio App, which encourages reusing and recycling household items that you no longer need. 



Office Hours


The  office is now open from 10am to 12am,

Monday to Friday every week.

01245 355 989

You may call outside of these hours and leave an answerphone message and we will try to get back to you as soon as possible.

You can also contact us via the Office email address:  [email protected]

This email address is checked on a regular basis

and we will try to get back to you as soon as possible.


The website was last updated on 14th April 2024


If you would like to make a donation, please use the following QR code

Widford Parish. Give a little code

and follow the link and choose your amount.  Thank you


Church of the Holy Spirit
& Widford Parish Office,
Forest Drive,

UK Charity Number: 1128307

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